Moorings Fort William United Kingdom
{{ rate.meal_plan }}
Please note: the full room rate is always charged in case of cancellation/modification or no-show.
The deposit is required to make a booking. It will be refunded if the booking is cancelled up to {{ rate.cancel_day }} days before date of arrival.
If cancelled or modified up to {{ rate.cancel_day }} days before date of arrival, no penalty will be charged.
0" data-ng-init="t_inc = (rate.ptaxes | filter : { inc : 1 } ); t_exc = (rate.ptaxes | filter : { inc : 2 } )">
0) && t_inc.length) || rate.ptaxes.length">
Included {{ t.val }} {{ t.name }}
Not included {{ t.val }} {{ t.name }}
0) && !t_inc.length) ">taxes included
{{ rate.included }}
Not included
{{ rate.excluded }}
The full room rate will be charged on the date of check-in in case of cancellation/modification or no show.
The deposit is automatically charged to your credit card. You pay the remaining amount at the check-out.